National Partners


  1. Aria Technologies Pvt Ltd.
  2. Central Campus of Technology, Dharan
  3. Centre for Disaster Studies, Institute of Engineer-ing, T.U.
  4. Clean Energy Nepal (CEN)
  5. Digo Bikash Institute (DBI)
  6. Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal (FEDWSUN)
  7. ForestAction Nepal
  8. Institute of Engineering, Pulchok
  9. Institute of Social and Environmental Transition Nepal (ISET-N)
  10. International Centre For Integrated Mountain De-velopment
  11. Local Initiatives for Biodiversity, Research and De-velopment (LI-BIRD)
  12. Lumanti- Support Group for Shelter Regional
  13. Meromicrofinance Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Ltd (Bank)
  14. Ministry of Forest and Environment (MOFE)
  15. Municipal Association of Nepal (MuAN)
  16. National Democratic Institute for International Af-fairs (NDI)
  17. National Society for Earthquake Technology – Ne-pal (NSET)
  18. Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC)
  19. Niti Foundation
  20. Practical Action, Nepal
  21. SMART Pani

Sub-national/Local Partners

  1. Bidur Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Committee
  2. Bidur Municipality
  3. Center for Environment Tourism and Development (CETD), Dharan
  4. Dharan Sub Metropolitan City
  5. Dharan Water Supply Management Board
  6. Dhulikhel Chamber of Commerce and Industries
  7. Dhulikhel Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Com-mittee (DDWSUC)
  8. Dhulikhel Municipality
  9. Hotel Association of Dharan
  10. Hotel Association, Kavre


  1. Dhulikhel Municipality
  2. Ministry of Population and Environment 
  3. Nepal Policy Research Nepal
  4. Community of Evaluators, Nepal
  5. Institute of Engineering (IOE) Tribhuvan University
  6. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Nepal
  7. Nepal Administrative Staff College (NASC)
  8. South Asia School of Rural Reconstruction (SARR)
  9. Integrated Development Society Nepal 
  10. Center for Green Economy Development Nepal
  11. School of Arts of Kathmandu University 
  12. Alliance for Social Dialogue
  13. International Water Management Institute (IWMI),Nepal
  14. Martin Chautari
  15. Research Triangle Institute (RTI), Nepal
  16. Social Science Baha
  17. The Asia Foundation, Nepal
  18. Search For Common Ground
  19. National Planning Commission (NPC)
  20. Wind Power Nepal