
Institutional Analysis for Agricultural Innovation Synthesis

Institutional Analysis for Agricultural Innovation Synthesis

Publication Date: December 2015
Authors: Toni Darbas, Rasheed Sulaiman, Kamal Devkota and  Peter R. Brown

This Internal Discussion Paper presents a synthesis of an Institutional Analysis conducted by CRISP under the auspices of CSIRO and the Food Systems Innovation project for the benefit of the broader Sustainable and Resilient Farming System Intensification (SRFSI) project. SRFSI   aims to intensify agricultural production of the alluvial Eastern Gangetic Plains (EGP) that span India, Nepal and Bangladesh.  The aim of this Internal Discussion Paper is to synthesize a series of four detailed reports that cover two districts each within the four jurisdictions where the SRFSI project is being conducted. CRISP were commissioned to undertake an analysis of the current and possible institutional arrangements for scaling out intensification of smallholder farming systems in each District.

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